Congress members are urging the federal government to opt usage of blockchain solutions to enhance coronavirus relief activities. On Wednesday, a letter addressed to the federal officials and the U.S President Donald Trump, lawmakers said that the blockchain tech. can help authenticate & identify individuals set to get government benefits, uplifting the supply chains, and develop a registry of medical professionals.
This is the most recent advancement in a pattern of U.S. legislators effectively pushing for blockchain applications and virtual monetary forms, with agents once again introducing bipartisan enactment in January that would decrease the taxation rate on little crypto exchanges, and Massachusetts Representative Stephen Lynch proposing a bill in April to record public stores on a blockchain.
This isn’t the first run through individuals from Congress that have encouraged the government to think about creative innovations in the pandemic reaction. In April, 11 representatives marked a letter approaching the U.S Treasury Department to consider blockchain.
Within a week of sending the letter, Lynch acquainted a bill with relieving the disappointments of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) in circulating individual protection equipment, for example, ventilators to those out of luck, it would require pertinent government offices to utilize private blockchain innovation to stock supplies in each state to guarantee accessibility. The aim of the bill is to uplift the creation of a network that will help the government to have a transparent view of stockpiles and deploy skilled resources where they’re needed the most.
The lawmakers explained how the use of blockchain solutions can help easily identify individuals receiving government benefits, while its strong security protects the confidential data. Also, the lawmakers advised that the blockchain can help in creating a registry of medical professionals that will verify qualifications, locations, and help to employ efficient resources at the time of crisis.
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