Ledger launches NFT-directed hardware wallet Nano S Plus

April 6, 2022

hyperledger sawtoth

Ledger is a major supplier of hardware wallets formulated for the safe storage of digital currencies such as Bitcoin and is launching a new wallet specialised in nonfungible tokens or NFTs. The recent product called Ledger Nano S Plus is the following generation to the original Nano iteration circulated in 2016, and is formulated with NFT collectors’ desires in mind, Ledger declared on Tuesday. The new Ledger Nano S Plus is the 6th hardware wallet developed by Ledger since the firm initiated its 1st wallet HW1 in 2015. The commodity is also the 1st hardware wallet that Ledger has published since the release of the Ledger Nano X in 2019.

The new Ledger wallet benefits the safe administration of NFT agreements, some prior iterations of Ledger wallets have also funded NFTs. Rogers said that the Ledger Nano users have always been able to stock NFTs on their appliances through partners, on the Ledger Nano X, and now Ledger’s software application Ledger Live prioritizes NFT help where users can glimpse their NFTs in Ledger Live and safely transact through obvious signing.

Ledger supreme technology officer Charles Guillemet had recently instructed users about the threats of blind signing blockchain transactions in the fallout of a crucial phishing assault targeting the world’s hugest NFT marketplace OpenSea in February. The latest announcement comes after Ledger published an exclusive edition of the Ledger Nano S Plus in early March, declining 10,000 devices for pre-order at 79 dollars each. Inaugurated in 2014, Ledger is one of the world’s hugest providers of hardware virtual currency wallets, which are physical appliances formulated to stock a user’s private keys. The corporation has sold over 4.5M wallets and undertook 6 different wallets so far, comprising HW1, Blue, Nano s Unplugged, Nano X and Nano S Plus. The firm has stopped generating the 1st three iterations so far.

Have a look at this- Ledger announces NFT-focused hardware wallet, joined hands with POAP

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