US Patent for independent Ledger service won by microsoft

August 26, 2021

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Microsoft’s new gadget is intended to permit engineers to compose code for overseeing tokens in a way that is blockchain rationalist.

American tech monster Microsoft has won a blockchain-related patent for procedures for carrying out a cross-chain token administration framework.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the organization conceded the patent to Microsoft’s auxiliary Microsoft Technology Licensing on Aug. 24.

Recorded in February 2019, the patent depicts a “record autonomous symbolic assistance,” or a product administration empowering people and associations to make and oversee tokens across numerous appropriated record organizations and stages.

Instances of such stages in the patent recording included major blockchain stage Ethereum, IBM-supported Hyperledger Fabric, JPMorgan’s venture blockchain stage Quorum, R3 Corda and Chain Core.

The portrayed PC framework intends to furnish the client with at least one “token layouts,” with every one of those relating to a sort of physical or advanced resource. The record autonomous symbolic assistance is intended to go about as a solitary interface for dealing with the lifecycle of tokens across various blockchains, permitting engineers to compose code for executing and overseeing tokens ” in a way that is skeptic of the fundamental circulated record organizations.”

As indicated by the patent’s creators, the portrayed framework “makes improvement more productive for arising business use-cases that include crossing record limits.”

Microsoft has been effectively associated with blockchain-related advancement lately, recording a wide number of patent applications identified with the digital currency industry. Last year, the tech monster documented a patent for a cryptographic money framework empowering people to mine crypto utilizing their body movement information with an end goal to eliminate the requirement for particular mining gadgets.

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