South African radio host accused of bitcoin fraud threatens legal action

June 14, 2022

South African radio host accused of bitcoin fraud threatens legal action

South African radio host accused of bitcoin fraud threatens legal action

After South African radio host Sebasa Mughal was accused of defrauding investors in his bitcoin investment scheme, he said he would file a lawsuit against those who reported him to the police. Mogul’s lawyer insisted that no evidence was found because he never committed fraud. Sebasa Mugayle, performer FM Tobala, threatened to make investors through the Bitcoin investment program, which would do legal actions against those who defraud against it from police agencies. According to the legal representative of the radio host, Latsi Aflal, Mugal said: “No one has no money.”Mogalea’s threats, which is played by Sam’s television program on South African television, join the messages of a regional police spokesman and confirm that their organization actually receives complaints from people who claim they are a victim of the owner.

According to the report, five fraud cases have been filed against Mogul and the investigation is ongoing. The message says that after the investigation, the police will hand over the case to the Attorney General, who will take further action. Speaking about the allegations against his client, Mphalle said the allegations were baseless and tarnished Mogale’s reputation. Although he acknowledged that fraud cases had been filed against his client, Mufahale insisted that no evidence would be found because Mughal never committed fraud. Meanwhile, Mogel admits in his statement that he is an online retailer, but denies that he forced people to sign. The radio host also noted that he never called himself an expert in the field of cryptocurrencies or the owner of cryptocurrency business. While some of his victims claim to have lost nearly $ 50,000 in total, the radio host insists that those who sign up for their Bitcoin investment program have full access to their respective accounts.

Read more: The Iranian government has decided to cut off power to the country’s legitimate crypto mining machines.

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