Reddit might be getting ready to dispatch its own NFT stage

October 23, 2021

Christie's NFT chief has been hired by Yuga Labs to oversee CryptoPunks.

Other online media stages including Twitter and Facebook have been attempting to help NFTs, if not make a contender to significant commercial centers

Online media stage Reddit has all the earmarks of being recruiting laborers to help the plan, construct, and support of a nonfungible symbolic stage.

As per a Greenhouse occupation posting, Reddit is searching for a senior backend engineer for a stage answerable for “a great many clients to make, purchase, sell and use NFT-sponsored computerized merchandise.” The position needs somewhere around five years of involvement with backend improvement just as the capacity “to plan and execute complex disseminated frameworks working under high burden.”

“In case there is one thing we’ve seen with NFTs, they also have an amazing ability to make a feeling of interest and having a place,” said the work posting

Reddit has gone about as a medium uniting crypto clients for quite a long time, with the stage’s subreddits to a great extent answerable at siphoning costs of tokens including Dogecoin (DOGE). Clients can likewise procure the stage’s Community Points — computerized cash like tokens as Moons or Bricks — by presenting specific substance on acquire rewards.

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