Celsius accuses KeyFi in a lawsuit. Over 1,000 ETH in investor cash for NFTs were stolen by Jason Stone.

August 23, 2022

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Celsius accuses KeyFi in a lawsuit. Over 1,000 ETH in investor cash for NFTs were stolen by Jason Stone. Jason Stone Kefi presented a case against Celsius, claiming that Salia owes millions of dollars millions of dollars, and is now complaining about the theft of the fake government and the customer budget. He did it. “They did in their investment strategies abnormally.”

Legal complaint suggests that the stone has access to individual keys in a wallet, which is called “0xb1”. According to the laws agreed between the two parties, Stone had a wallet, which allowed Celsius to manage the Tifi Strategy. However, Celsius accused Stone of mishandling funds to buy Cryptopunk, Bullran Babe, and hundreds of other NFTs for 1,070 ETH in February 2021. Aston then sold four cryptopunks for 1071 ETH and then exchanged the ETH for TornadoCash.

The case shows that Aston used a combination of NFD purchase and stormy money from the wallet would save without increasing internal warnings. The founder of Rukh Friedman, the founder of Rukh Friedman, who represents the stone, replied that NFT bosses are known by Director -General Celsius Alexander Moshinsky. ” After breaking the relationship with Salus Stone, he left the 0xB1 wallet as the stone still approached private keys. However, the wallet crashed in September 2021, 4 1.4 million Dai Air, which was stolen and the tornadoes were fake 320 ETH.

Celsius claims that millions of more than 50 million in CCIMP claimed that they lost “after a heavy fall of ETH,” demanding theft. On February 23, 2021, at least 1576 to 35,355 was closed one day and closed by 10 %. Among other complaints, Stone also claims that Celsius invested in the NFT platform Nifty in a fund owned by Celsius. Celsius is demanding that Nifty shares be transferred as part of the settlement. Although, as they say, the declared funds do not directly complain about the fact that customers belong, Celsius is “a laser center to restore balance for their customers.”

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