Although there is still pressure on bitcoin miners to sell, falling production costs offer relief.

October 25, 2022

The entire Bitcoin downtrend is due to macroeconomic pressures in the United States.


Although there is still pressure on bitcoin miners to sell, falling production costs offer relief.

The recent decline, along with countless other factors, has put pressure on Bitcoin mining companies. According to Politico, miners have had to contend with rising interest rates, rising energy costs and falling prices, which means lower demand and shrinking profits. “Growing interest rates, breaking encryption prices, and high energy costs in the sky throw white skin.”There is a further threat to ban the EU mines that could destroy PTC production and its price. In addition, because Altkin’s price is accompanied by bitcoin, this effect expands to the entire cryptographic industry, regardless of the specific mechanism of the consent of this sign. Despite the doom and sadness to which Bitcoin is destined, there are homeostatic mechanisms to compensate for recent events. Bitcoin miners feel the heat. In response to the change, the number of miners sending bitcoins to exchanges for sale has increased since June 7, according to Reuters. It was also noted that many public mining companies have liquidated more than just their May launch proposal to deal with dire market conditions.

Joe Burnett, an analyst at mining firm Blockware Solutions, shares the hash rate and mining difficulty over the past six months, urging miners to discard their tokens. Over the last six months, hash rate and mining difficulty have increased, while the price of Bitcoin has decreased. Charlie Schumacher, vice president of communications at mining company Marathon Digital, said anything that could go wrong seemed to go wrong for Bitcoin miners. The hardness of the mine compensates analysis of Bitcoin’s seven-day average hash rate over the past 180 days showed a peak of 231 million TH / s on June 12th. This was followed by a sharp drop to 199 m TH / s in two weeks. Although the hashrate reached 218 mTH / s on July 5, a series of lower peaks have been forming since June 12, indicating a trend of miners exiting the game. According to Bloomberg, research by JPMorgan shows that it now costs $ 13,000 to produce one bitcoin, up from $ 24,000 at the beginning of last month. With the current price of BTC at $ 20 100, this should slightly alleviate the pressure on miners.


Read more: Will the $3 billion in Bitcoin released by Mt. Gox lead to a market bottom in August?

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