Abu Dhabi Global Market Financial Regulator Announces “Guiding Principles” for Virtual Asset Regulation

September 14, 2022

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Abu Dhabi Global Market Financial Regulator Announces “Guiding Principles” for Virtual Asset Regulation. The regulator of the World Financial Market Abu -Dhabi, FSRA -Regulatory Authority (FSRA), recently released six policies that led to “access to regulation and monitoring virtual property”. Although not legally linked, politics, according to FSRA, “for details of our published structure must be observed as a filler.” Although not legally linked, politics, according to FSRA, “for details of our published structure must be observed as a filler.” According to the controller, six politicians are the basis of “coordination rules”.

In addition to the “available viewing” FSRA priorities in this location, the risk of regulatory regulatory regulator is an expression of appetite. “Each policy is a statement of FSRA’s regulatory risk assessment, Detection, financial crimes, monitoring, enforcement and international cooperation. In general, these expectations aim to ensure the right balance between environmental trust, risk sensitivity, customer protection and attracting new people. High standards of license. As shown in a document, which describes the main features of each approach to regulate virtual securities, the number one calls the “strong and transparent structure of risks monitoring”. Such a structure, on the one hand, “a clear classification (virtual assets), defined by VAS (virtual assets), must be introduced as materials in the world and properties of companies that use VAS in ADGM, they manufacture.”

On the other hand, the same structure should, like any other authorized company, provide the same monitoring of ADGM monitoring in the same position of ADGM monitoring. Meanwhile, high standards must be supported if a second policy is allowed. FSRA emphasizes that the prevention of financial washing and washing money is another important factor in regulating virtual assets. Another principle by which regulators must be guided is the obligation to use enforcement tools in cases where licensed companies violate the rules.

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